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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our Curriculum

Personal Development at Whitkirk

Personal Development at Whitkirk (1)

“A curriculum for you and me, to be the best that we can be”

Personal Development at Whitkirk

Personal Development at Whitkirk (14)

At Whitkirk, children learn in an inclusive environment where they are able to develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination when learning about themselves, others and the world around them. As stated in our curriculum intent, we have carefully designed our curriculum to serve our population in East Leeds. Therefore, we aim to expose our pupils to a diverse range of cultures to encourage inclusion and a greater multicultural awareness. Our curriculum is designed to ensure pupils develop a rich cultural capital and become confident, caring citizens of the world who can play a positive and active role in modern society. To achieve this, our school develops personal development both through its formal and informal curriculum. The informal curriculum is being addressed through our work on promoting our values:

Respect, Achievement, Trust, Forgiveness, Safety and Friendship.

There is a relentless drive to consistently promote the personal development of our pupils and provide rich and varied opportunities and experiences.

Our blossoming Tree of Personal Development at Whitkirk

Diversity & Culture

Whitkirk values each, and every child and their journey through education and life. 

Diversity and culture

We celebrate every individual characteristics and celebrate the differences between one another daily. Starting in Reception, children read a cultural text each week incorporating elements of understanding and appreciation from a young age. This then continues into Key stage 1, where children share cultural texts each week during Storytime. In Key stage 1 and 2 assemblies are carefully planned to incorporate the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance, democracy, individual liberty rule of law and quintessentially being a part of modern-day Britain.

This is our 3D Whitkirk Curriculum in action, encouraging children to develop a moral compass to take them through life.

Personal Development at Whitkirk (4)

Personal Development at Whitkirk (5)

Personal Development at Whitkirk (3)

The curriculum in ACTION



"Seeing is believing”

As soon as you walk into Whitkirk, you will see, and hear our broad and balanced curriculum in action. You will hear children learning Spanish, learning guitar, violin and even the drums.  You will also see enhancements to our curriculum including children in Reception learning British sign Language (BSL) and children learning about a diverse range of composers and  celebrating the work of artists around the world. Subject leaders have worked relentlessly to ensure that children develop their interests, and seek ambitious aspirations for their future education and adult life.

Personal Development at Whitkirk (6)

Personal Development at Whitkirk (1)


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Keeping Safe

Paramount to our curriculum is safeguarding. Children learn how to keep safe and know who within our community is there to ensure their safety.  Children from EYFS establish a strong link with our community PCSO’s Lou and Kieran, through visits to class and stay and Play sessions. This then feeds throughout school as Lou visits school to talk to our children about making the right choice when learning about drugs and alcohol in Key Stage 2 and fire safety throughout November. Our preventative PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum following the scheme You, Me, PSHE encompasses personal, social and emotional safety including mental health, supported by MindMate.  As a school, we have also invested in many texts and props to ensure that every social issue is pitched appropriately for children. For example, children learning about consent and boundaries in EYFS and KS1 through texts such as ‘NSPCC Pants and Private and ‘Don’t Hug Doug’.  

Children learn about the importance of  their own safety online and within the community through Road Safety Week.  Our 3D curriculum ensures that knowledge is learned and embedded. For example, the knowledge of basic First Aid is learned in Reception through the charity Leeds Teddy Bear Hospital and PSHE lessons support knowledge of bodily hygiene and health throughout Key stage 1 and 2. This then progresses to CPR classes for our Year 6 pupils.

Children learn about the importance of  their own safety online and within the community through Road Safety Week.  Our 3D curriculum ensures that knowledge is learned and embedded. For example, the knowledge of basic First Aid is learned in Reception through the charity Leeds Teddy Bear Hospital and PSHE lessons support knowledge of bodily hygiene and health throughout Key stage 1 and 2. This then progresses to CPR classes for our Year 6 pupils.


smart online


Personal Development for the websiteCommunity

At Whitkirk, we pride ourselves on our community relationships. As soon as children start in Reception, from their very first tour around school, relationships are built.  We create strong relationships with parents through weekly Stay and Play sessions in Reception, Secret Reader sessions in EYFS and K1 and sessions for all KS1 and KS2 families. Our children visit a wide range of community places of worship including St. Mary’s Church who we work closely with (they are even part of our school logo). Children learn about the importance of supporting others  through charity events at St Mary’s Community hall; singing for the elderly at Christmas to spread Christmas joy! Reading events at Holton Library and visits to Temple Newsam Estate also weave into our curriculum to develop a sense of belonging and to ensure that children know where to find information within their local community.


leadershipPupil Leadership

At Whitkirk Primary School, we believe that pupils should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practice leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school. There are a number of opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles at the school including our School Council, Eco Warriors, Reading Ambassadors, Play Leaders, and our RKLT Youth Board.

Find more information on our pupil leadership here


 PD at WPS (1) PD at WPS (2)

Mason Hicks is the Leeds Children’s Mayor, 2022-2023. Above Mason and the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress deliver an assembly to all pupils and Whitkirk, and Mason welcomes King Charles to the city of Leeds.  

SMSCSpiritual, Moral, Social and cultural Education - SMSC

SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education. It is not taught as a lesson, rather it may be part of Religious Education, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education AND part of the ethos of the school which children experience on a daily basis. SMSC is now highlighted by Government as a key means of promoting basic British Values and counteracting the development of religious extremism in some school settings.

British Values

Extra Curricular and Clubs

British values

Whitkirk Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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