Mrs Hart
Designated Safeguarding Lead
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One of our prime responsibilities is to ensure that all our children are safe at home and at school. We ensure this by making safeguarding everyone’s responsibility: staff, parents, visitors and children.
At Whitkirk, we work together to provide a safe environment that enables our children to flourish and succeed. If you have any concerns please tell someone.
There are numerous policies in place to safeguard our children and to ensure that there is a consistent approach to safe practices throughout our school.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Prevent Lead
Designated Safeguarding Officer and Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Learning Mentor (Attendance)
Assistant Headteacher, EYFS Leader & RLE Teacher
Our Trust Safeguarding Lead is Mr Andy Beecroft
Safeguarding governor – Ms Jen Beckett
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Child Protection: All staff receive regular training. The school has a Designated Governor for Safeguarding. The child protection policy can be viewed on the Policies page.
Attendance: Children’s attendance at school is monitored on a daily basis and notable absences or patterns of absences are followed up by Mrs Audsley, our Learning Mentor and Attendance Officer. It is parents/ carers responsibility to contact school via the attendance line to report absences. Absences cannot be authorised via Class Dojo.
Behaviour: High standards of behaviour are expected in school. However, we know children do fall out from time to time. This will be dealt with sensitively by an adult and the children will be given time to explain what the problem is and helps the issue to be resolved. In school we follow ‘Green is the Goal’. Children are actively aware of how our six school values works in our school and why it is in place. Enabling everyone to be happy and keep safe. We do not tolerate bullying at Whitkirk Primary School and work hard with children, parents and staff to ensure that any instances of bullying which may occur are resolved or dealt with swiftly. All staff adhere to our Anti-Bullying policy. This ensures that parents can have confidence that any allegations of bullying will be taken seriously, investigated where necessary and that they will be receive feedback within 48 hours. Children are educated about what constitutes bullying and understand the importance of the words: Several Times On Purpose- STOP
MindMate Leaflet for parents and carers who have a young person with feelings of anxiety
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E-Safety: All children in school receive regular teaching about E-Safety as part of their computing sessions and in any area of the curriculum where they will be using a computer.
Health and Safety: Everyone has a responsibility to ensure children and adults are able to work in a healthy and safe environment.
Complaints/Concerns: If you have any concerns about your child or any aspect of school life, please let us know so that we can help resolve any issues. No problem is too small and can often be prevented from becoming a bigger issue. Parents can: make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher or make an appointment to see a member of the Senior Leadership team who will always be happy to arrange to meet you. The school is committed to working closely with parents/carers for the benefit of the children. If you feel anissue has not been resolved to your satisfaction then you could contact the chair of the governing body, Ian Foy, who can be contacted through the school office.
Whitkirk Primary School is part of Operation Encompass, which is a national scheme that operates jointly between schools and local police forces.
Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced domestic abuse.
As a school we have ensured that a member of our staff, (Designated Safeguarding Lead) known as a Key Adult, has been trained in the Operation Encompass procedures, allowing us to then use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to support the child/ren in our care.
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 identifies children who experience domestic abuse as victims of domestic abuse in their own right. On 24 May 2024 Royal Assent was granted to The Victims and Prisoners Act. The Act placed Operation Encompass into Law. This places a statutory obligation on police forces to share Operation Encompass notifications with schools and educational settings.
We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this partnership is very beneficial and supportive for all those involved.
Dedicated and confidential NSPCC helpline to report Abuse in Education 0800 136 663 or email at
Report Remove tool whereby children, young people and adults can report nude images of them that are circulating social media and ensure they are taken down
Whatever you're going through, call us free any time, from any phone, on 116 123. Click to View >
For any support dealing with domestic violence: 24hr helpline 0113 246 0401 Click to view >
To find out more about our Safeguarding provision, please contact school.
Whitkirk Primary School
Templegate Walk
LS15 0EU
Red Kite Learning Trust is a Multi-academy trust made up of 14 schools in North and West Yorkshire, serving more than 9,750 children and young people and their families, from nursery to sixth form. We are passionate about learning, providing a rich curriculum which releases potential and creates opportunity for all our pupils.
Whitkirk Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH
© 2024 Whitkirk Primary School
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